
Why You Should Join Clubs in College 

Reason #1: The food

The other day our college had its annual career fair out on the main plaza in front of our student center. It reminded me just how much goes on at our school that I don’t notice, and just how many great clubs there were. Once I got past all the free candy being thrown at me, I found a few groups that I actually had some interest in. The advertising club seemed pretty chill, so I threw my name down there. HR Club? Why not? Got a name on their signup sheet. Being that I am in the final year of school at my university, I wasn’t a first timer for THAT many since I make a habit of wandering into interesting events. I’ve done the rounds my last three years, and made my fair share of visits to various business clubs in the weeks following. Our college allocates 1 hour ish on Tuesdays and Thursdays for club meetings over the lunch hour. As it would happen, they all serve lunch. Now there’s an article solely devoted to God’s gift that is free club food so I’ll go light on the details here, but know this: you want that sandwich-pop-fruit-cookie combo inside you. Whether you know it yet or not, just having to show up and sit down in order to be fed for free is a luxury you might never experience again. Think bout it.

Reason #2: Meet friends

In my time sitting in on club meetings, I’ve met a rediculous amount of people. Some even became great friends! The whole point of college is to meet those people that you kinda recognize from around campus but caaaan’t quite put a name to a face with. Maybe that’s not the whole point of college, but it never hurts to expand the network.

Reason #3: Job

Speaking of network, clubs are a slip n slide straight into every HR recruiter’s dm’s. If you decided to major in something during college, clubs based around that major can be a huge way to get hired. TONS of employers visit clubs and present what they do and why they would be good for the smart kids to come work for em’. Even if you’re no genius, (trust me I’m not) meeting with recruiters and recent graduates who work there during club meetings in a casual atmosphere will give you a serious edge later on in the job interview.


Above all else, it’s just fun to get out there on campus and see what’s what rather than binge watching netflix and playing Xbox all day. So give clubs a chance, and remember to wear pants. All rhymes aside dress in business casual for the fancy ones.
